Last time i posted bout the Aptasia X product from Red Sea. At that time i only have several visible aptasia ... more or less than 5.
So decide to use it. Since then the aptasia problem become more troublesome.They grow everywhere and fast!. I'm almost give up! so i went to try natural way. Either using shrimp or butterfly fish...
Since i have hawk fish in the tank, shrimp will not an option. Cause it will become a dinner for this hawk fish. So have to try copperband butterfly fish. The only problem is this fish will die after all his food is finish.
Either i kill 1 butterfly fish to save the whole tank or lost all? so i choose to introduce the fish. Lucky during this time got a lot of this fish at GV. So bought one at a cost lower than Aiptasia X.
In the 1st week introduced this fish into tank, it has been chase everywhere by tangs =D luckily it was ok .. not injured or anything. In the beginning the fish not even pick on the aiptasia, its went to eat all fan worms!
But its lucky after 2/3 weeks ... its starting to pick on aiptasia... up until now this fish already eaten all aiptasia i can see. And the good thing this fish still alive even no more aiptasia more than 2 weeks. I believe its just a matter of time it will die starving.
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