Lost 3 corals during the chiller mishap .. too bad!
So since then still finding a new replacement for that. So last week went to GV and luckily they have new coral and fish shipment! good day for me ;)
But instead of buying new coral, i ended buying more fishes! damn it ... bought about 6 new Anthias. eheh so far they NOT doing well ... still not taking any food :(
hope it will turn out to be ok after this...
Just bought new chiller today 1/2 HP Hailea 500A... nah its not suka suka change :( its something that i MUST buy it NOW!
330PM i realize something is not correct bout the aquarium. So decide to check, so found out that my chiller not working and the temp rise to 32C!
So quickly turn off the light and get ready myself .. Its Oceanic Tour Time! I just spend several mins to decide to buy this new chiller LOL and quickly bring it back home!
Too bad after arrived at home found out that not the chiller that i bought .. ah my bad not checking it .. so pergi balik and get the correct one. I gave them a call before going there so it can be ready by the time i reach there ...
Reached home already 7++ PM .. then quickly plugin the chiller .. so far i'm quite satisfy with the chiller! yeah compare to my old Resun 650 ;)
As for now every coral and fish looks ok and not showing any sign of stress. good for me ;)
I wish i can add ore coral but i'm not in mood to buy any .. anyway finally Oceanic have a coral shipment after a long dry season. There are some corals might interest u in there.