Blue Sponge (Haliclona spp)

Posted by gerg On 1:00 PM

Bought this sponge yesterday from GV. Never bother to buy this before since afraid of dying :D

Saw it available at the store for quite sometime already. Yeah this is the last blue sponge at the store compare to to 1st day its arrive. Cant resist to buy it anymore cause my tank lack of blue color.

So what the requirement for this sponge? As oppose to other sponge this sponge require intense light and flow. AND the most important thing DO NOT expose it to air! but the bangla at store expose it to air! o0uchh!!! .. hope its ok

Other thing need to consider, sponges release toxins and antibiotics when they die... so have to remove it quickly before its effect the water quality ;)

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It is basically an escape. Also as a soothing element to relax in stressful environments. Some believe that seeing fish swim about helps us to forget our worries and ease our minds.