2nd largest tank in the world

Posted by gerg On 11:25 PM 0 comments

somehow i wish KLCC Aquaria look like this .. but NO!

Adding more coral ;)

Posted by gerg On 11:55 PM 0 comments
Went to GV today, as usual its suppose a "saje saje" visit only. I have no internet connection bout 2 days! ... lucky got a new AC Ryan player, thanks to Rifdi! so tak ada lah boring sangat.

GV still have a lot of torch coral and frogspawn coral! just pay them a visit if u need them :D

So what do i bought? it just a colony of pink zoa and colony of several color zoa, orange sponge and frogspawn coral.

And i also added my first sps coral .. cokia 1 just orange montipora. Was added bout 2-3 weeks before. It was a good buy at oceanic so why not try it out ;) so far its doing very well! and very happy bout that.

Start dosing with Prodibio products

Posted by gerg On 9:33 AM 0 comments
B0ught Prodibio BioDigest and Prodibio BiopTim last week from oceanic. I want to start dosing this thing very long time ago .. but dun have budget yet for that, as for now i dun care. Hopefully i can retire my rowa phos which is quite costly and replace with this which is in my opinion is better way to control your algae, phosphate etc. Even its ok to run both at the same time but it will not recommended because the living bacteria will compete with rowa to get the phosphate. And the most important only waste of money!

Bio Digest

So what is this? Short answer is bacteria. A bit long answer, each of ampules contains about 50 billions of bacteria ( nitrifying and denitrifying). The use of this product to lower down nitrite/nitrate and phosphate by biological way.

I have been told to dose 7 ampules of this for a starter (my tank 4x2x2), but i end up just dose bout 3 only


This product to be use together with bio digest. Basicly each of tube of this is a bacteria food. U'll need it cause we want bacteria to do its job and multiply faster. So feed them :D
It is basically an escape. Also as a soothing element to relax in stressful environments. Some believe that seeing fish swim about helps us to forget our worries and ease our minds.